
Going to


TR5 by Lenny Schuurmans

These cool pics of my bike were taken by über cool dude Lenny Schuurmans, the talented man behind the excellent BUBBLE VISOR blog. Thanks to him !


Gathering pictures part 2

These killer pictures were taken by Sebastien Zanella from Desillusion magazine. He is super talented and very cool dude. Him and his lovely (pregnant) "second half" took the time to follow us and shoot from their blacked out Caprice.
Check more of his work HERE


Gathering pictures part 1

Bixente's BSA

Franck and Philippe's rides

Maggie on her Magnat Debon

Sylvain's DICE van

The ride out. Good times.

Emilio cam all the way from Spain !

The crew

Bayonne representing

Da boyz

Yours truly


Beer stop by the lake

Rattest bike of the day

Sylvain's tracker

Philippe's second rod

Kuma No Motor's 25 min set. A real kick in the nuts !

Thanks to everyone who came to our second annual gathering, it was a blast ! See you next year.